Hallo again...I started this patchwork in my mind about 20yrs ago but only got down to brass tacks two and a half years ago! It is so very time-consuming as each hexagon is cut out of paper, pinned to the fabric and then cut out leaving a 1/4 inch overlap to prevent fraying. I wanted to use black based fabric as the centre of each 'flower' and to use floral prints as the 'petals'.
However it began to grow like Topsy and I couldn't work out how to get 'straight' edges on it. I had no plan to use it but after finding it again recently I could see it would make a lovely cushion cover and join the floral riot in the living room! This is the back of it and you see some of the papers are still in it...you leave them in for support while sewing the shapes together.
I seemed to think that the hexagons would fit together neatly in rows but they actually make rows that are diagonal so I finally realised I would have to remove several parts of hexies and fill in the caps with single pieces or a pair together....and that is what I spent yesterday morning doing. I gave it a really good press and then cut out a larger square of cotton to stitch it to. I sewed it on by hand as all the piecing here is hand-sewn but I will use the sewing machine to assemble the cushion cover later today. Once it was sewn on I trimmed up the edges of the base to ensure the patchwork was central.
Here's a couple I prepared earlier lol I mean some of the floral patchwork cushions I've made before, they're very simple but colourful and 'happy'
Auntie Joan's Butterflies and Dragonflies...some are hand embroidered |
a simple star |
Elizabeth's Stitchery Cushion |
Auntie Jessie's Sunny Cushion |
Gillian's Purple Passion Cushion!
Tumbling or Baby Blocks |
As you can tell by their names most of these have been given as gifts. I have also made some using photos printed onto fabric..they were gifts too and it's always sweet to see them in photos from Phoebe and Priscilla in Canada. I'll show you them another day.
It's rained all night here, it's not cold just beautifully fresh and clean.
What are you going to do today? I need to go to the library, get prescriptions and make some soap as well as all the usual other little 'jobs'. Whatever you get up to I hope you have a Terrific Tuesday!
Love from Sue