Monday 10 September 2012

Easiest "Roast" Chicken Ever

I took the plunge recently after being told many times that I could cook a whole chicken or roasting piece of beef/pork in the slow cooker or crock-pot. Some techniques suggest putting the chicken on a bed of screwed up aluminium foil but I dislike this idea for several reasons.

So with a little more research(how easy is everything with the world wide web at your fingertips?) I twiddled several recipes to come up with this 'rough guide'...

You'll need
1 large whole chicken, patted dry and lightly brushed with oil
a whole lemon
a whole onion, roughly chopped
a mix of your favourite spices and herbs, yesterday I used

2/3 t paprika
2/3 t garlic powder
2/3 t mixed dried herbs
shake of pepper

Rub the spices onto the chicken and place the lemon into the cavity
Scatter the onion in the bottom of the cooker
Place chook upside-down on the onion
Cook for 4-6 hours on auto
That's it! No liquid needed as the chicken provides it's own.

I added some halved potatoes after 2 hours and could have added carrots etc if this chicken hadn't been so big!

Cooked now, the meat literally falls off the bones as it is so tender...makes it hard to get out as you'll see from the last photograph but it is sooo delicious, the lemon taste is very subtle and the lemon is tender enough to eat, makes me think of Chicken Tagine so I'll try some chick peas in there next time.

We'll be eating this chicken all week I think, there'll be soup, perhaps an easy curry and last week I made a lovely chicken pie with added vegies and a sheet of puff pastry from the freezer.

Yesterday was Jessica's last soccer match of the season, next up will be teeball for hopefully 4 of my grandchildren.
If you're suffering from colds or flu please take good care of yourself, seems a very nasty virus is doing the rounds in Perth at the moment.
Have a great week where-ever you are,
Love from Sue


  1. I also hesitate cooking chicken this way. Is the white meat still moist, or does it go all dry?

    Love the chickpea idea!

  2. yummy, yummy, yummy! I've shared this on the FB slow cooker group, hope that is okay x

  3. Hi J, the meat stays incredibly moist, there's so much liquid in a chicken and it just cooks in that.
    and Lisa thank you for that
