Thursday 9 March 2017

What I Saw This Morning

Now the mornings are cooler and more alive somehow it's a real pleasure to be outside again.

Around our little garden today...we have been here for 3 years now, it has passed so very quickly...

I also saw a bathroom that needs cleaning!
Love from Sue


  1. wow awesome pictures
    thanx for sharing

  2. O MY GOSH- How Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!! So glad to see you back so you can brighten my day.

  3. Love the delicate rose. I agree with you on the mornings being so much nicer now that there is some cool relief. I too have the bathroom on the list of things to be done today.

  4. Beautiful flowers, and heavens me that is one huge spider!! Roses are lovely. Jasmin is one of my favorite flowers, the scent is heavenly! I miss it since they don't have it here. They have it in Brazil and also in Africa where we have been. Have a great weekend Sue!

    1. Hi Angela, isn't that spider a beauty? x
