Wednesday, 28 March 2012

nellymary's Salsa Verde or Green Sauce

I have to share this recipe with you...nellymary or Narelle is a moderator at the Down To Earth Forums and has her own truly inspiring blog, "just like my Nan made" Narelle is also the 'inventor' of the citrus cleaner we love.

I didn't have anywhere near as many herbs as Narelle but I'd been saving the dark green string onion tops for several days so I put them in the food processor along with 3 whole spring onions, a clove of garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper and a scant half a cup of basil, sage and chives.(Regular readers will know why there is no basil left).

Blitzed until quite smooth and then tasted for seasoning, it needed more salt and is absolutely delicious. We had it on a bean salad yesterday and this morning I've had some more on my toast with cheese spread. See what a brilliant green it is and it smells fantastic. As Narelle say it will be very good on pasta or anywhere else you would use pesto.

  Also wanted to share this special Vegemite label that was marketed around Australia Day at the end of January...I think it's quite clever!

Well I'm off to hang out the washing, it's still warm and sunny here but thankfully not so hot, the mornings are delightfully cool, Twitch has been running around the garden at full speed and then flopping down for a well-earned rest lol

Love from Sue

PS If you'd like a chance to win a copy of Rhonda's book, Down To Earth, A Guide to Simple Living have a look at Kristen's blog, she's also written a very pleasing review of it.

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