Tuesday 18 April 2017

A Morning Walk

Hallo Every-one, Ihope you had a pleasant Easter holiday. Ours was very quiet and we stayed home reading and pottering.
Last week I met my my 80yr old neighbour coming back from her walk around the block and this pricked my conscience as I have become very inactive over the Summer. The block takes 17 minutes to walk and I started by going every second morning; the benefits of feeling stronger and more alive as well as happier are almost instant. I took some photos this morning, I left at 8am, the temp is about 20C....

are there bears in there...

an Australian post box complete with graffiti...

big bins waiting to be taken back in...

we have 5 pines, Inspector Gamache has only 3...

a variegated oleander seems to shine...

across to the Town Hall, courthouse and police station...

  our main regional shopping centre is through those trees...

I do like this 'tunnel'...

this bottlebrush tree is still flowering, the bees and little birds love it's nectar...

West Australian grass trees...

beautiful creamy roses catch the morning sun...

I really look forward to my walk now and am waiting for the day I can easily do much longer walks.

Yesterday we dined well on left-overs galore...that bean salad was so good with some black quinoa and lots of fresh herbs...there is roast pork in that zip-lock bag, curried lentil soup and some pretty pasta from Aldi...

Today we need milk and fresh vegetables and a library book I ordered is in. I plan to make creamy seafood pie and some potato, cabbage and knockwurst soup that Joe and Dad love...

Wishing you all a wonderful week
Love Sue


  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed your walk Sue. I walk every morning with Samson and take it all in. Time to breathe, be surrounded by nature, fresh air, exercise......... Love that tree tunnel as well.

    Have a great week Sue.

    Kylie xx

    1. Thank you Kylie, yes that's one wonderful thing about having a dog...they remind you when it's walk time :) Hope you have a great week too xox

  2. I haven't been walking either Sue. The dreadful heat put an end to that but I have no excuse now and it does make you feel so much better.

    1. OK this can be your challenge too, hope to hear you've been for a short walk by the end of the week...you will feel great as you know xxx

  3. Thanks so much Sue for taking me on your walk with you. I also love the tree tunnel, the grass trees, the oleander and the open park where the bears live. Your banquet meal looks fantastic. Hello there Kylie.

    1. thank you for joining me, Heather, one day we'll do it for real xxx

  4. Wjouldn't that be great? I would so love to meet you and Joe.

  5. What a wonderful Australian neighbourhood walk. Thanks for the photos. They reminded me of my brothers neighbourhood downunder

    1. I thought it would be of interest to those overseas to see a little slice of our town, glad you enjoyed our walk :) x

  6. That was a lovely morning stroll around your local area. Thank you. I should walk around mine more often.

    1. Hi Sarah, take some pics as you go, they are a wonderful reminder of how fortunate we are to live in such beautiful places x

  7. Thank you for the lovely walk Sue. I need to start a walking routine here now that the temperature is cooler.

    1. Hey Rob! It would make an interesting blog post, I'd love to see your new area xx
