Monday 12 November 2012

Revamped Garden Chair

Hallo there!
I got my white spray paint and some basil plants, another plastic garden chair for the front garden (I need to sit on one to weed the lawn otherwise I can't get up again!!) and a nifty outdoor thermometer from Bunnings on Friday morning. The paint is a matt finish and very quick drying so I sprayed the whole can ($9.45) over the cane and then came inside to make a new cushion cover...Mum bought me the fabric in Malaysia several years ago and I've eked it out very all I need is a Singapore Sling! I also saved this elegant old chair from ending up in landfill and that's always a good thing.

The thermometer also shows the humidity and I think we'll be seeing some hot days in the near future so watch this space for more photos!

More cactus flowers...just love 'em...

On Saturday morning I went to watch Jess and Liv play tee-ball, Jessica looks like Darth Vader as she waits for her team to join her. The girls scored 3 home runs each and won their game for the 3rd week running. My highlight was seeing Jess on 3rd base, waiting to run home and concentrating hard when the little girl(with very short hair) who was fielding next to her stretched out her hand and very gently stroked Jessie's beautiful pony tail!

Players were needed for the following game so of course Jessie volunteered for that! Olivia and I went off to buy some potting mix and have a look in the Salvos Op-Shop. We found a beautiful Piping Hot sun dress and a Smarties ice-cream for Liv and fresh, cold orange juice and some beads for Jessie and went back to watch the rest of Jessie's game.

Livvie sitting in the shade after's thirsty work you know!

Today is shopping day and I will post off my Christmas Decoration parcel to Marnie in NSW, the DTE forum swap is already going well as every-one has excitedly messaged their partners and exchanged addresses. When we receive our gifts we take a photo and post it on the forum for every-one to enjoy.

Mum is having her stitches out from behind her ear today and finding out the result of the biopsy so fingers crossed it is all out and benign too.

That's all for now,
Have a marvellous Monday,
Love, Sue


  1. Great job on the chair Sue. Looks like a perfect spot for sitting and knitting :)

  2. Keeping my fingers crossed for your mum. The wicker chair looks lovely. It will be a nice place to sit and enjoy life. I'm glad you had a nice time watching the kiddo's play ball. It looks like it was a lovely day :)

  3. Praying for your momma, your family has had enough illness. I love old wicker too, have several rockers. I had to bring my cactii inside due to freeze last night, yours look lovely. Cute grandkids, enjoy. Hedy
