Tuesday 3 September 2013

Aug 31st, A Short Walk

We went for a short walk to the bank and shops yesterday...we're way out in the suburbs this trip and the Ottawa urban sprawl is vast..it must be like living in Melbourne or Sydney and quite an eye-opener to us country bumpkins! There's a good wholefood shop nearby and I loved these cheesie bunnies!!!

Modern building house a law firm and a bank...the ubiquius golden arch to the right of pic and a silver painted church steeple...

pretty gardens are every-where...

the view back up the main road...

we may or may not have sampled some of the best chips in Ottawa...just to let my Dad know how they werer lol

this is the local Vet's  Clinic...

how's this for a ride to your wedding, fantastic?

and back home to Priss's!

cou cou!

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