Tuesday 21 February 2017

Hallo Folks

Just chatting with Robyn over at the Farm Fancies blog and realizing it has been ages since I posted anything.
We got through managed to enjoy our first Christmas without Mum and SIL Danny although they are both sadly missed. Priscilla has gone through another 4 week course of chemotherapy in Ottawa but her tumours continue to grow in size and number...she remains cheerfully determined most of the time and her baby Kullen is thriving...his chubby cheeks are such a joy...the girls have started karate now and recently enjoyed their first tournament...

Nearer to home Charlie is now 9mos old and very active...attempting a break-out

We've had the coolest summer for many years here in WA, lots of rain and the plants are loving it...

Terry next door gave me a bit of silverbeet/chard which I washed and steamed for the freezer, lovely to add to soups and curries...

We've also had over 200 passionfruit from our vine, I've frozen some of the pulp but mostly shared them around to eat fresh. Dad picked me a pound/500gms of fresh figs which I've turned into 2 small jars of jam and I re-boiled some very thin marmalade and half a jar of lemon syrup to make some very tasty thick marmalade...I'd never re-boiled any jam/marmalade before so it's good to know that it can be salvaged if it's too thin the first time.

Knitting news is that the first zigzag blanket is finished and a second one begun, now I've mastered the technique it's a great project to take out with me...always a good conversation starter too...the second one is in more muted turquoise and green shades...it's a free pattern on ravelry...

I took the new one to the indoor play centre and happily sat knitting while two grandsons had a fine time on the rides and equipment...and eating...oh boy can they eat!

So that's what's been happening here, living quietly as we cope with our losses...dear Rose Marshall from the Down to Forums passed away recently too as did our neighbour Mavis...a reminder to enjoy each day as it comes, they pass very quickly indeed.

I hope things are going well in your neck of the woods, pls leave a note if you're still reading, it's so good to hear from my friends and family all over the world
Big Love,


  1. g'day & welcome back!
    wow your gardens are thriving! they look beautiful, so glad you are having cooler weather.
    what a very clever son you have, love the trolley/cart, what a saving too
    thanx for sharing

  2. hi
    Sue, please give my love andbprayerscto Priss. Your gard n and produce is wonderful. I just love,the zig zag blanket, xxx

  3. Love your zigzag blanket. A terrific project. Well done. I envy your pumpkin and passion fruit. Our pumpkins are really squash, not the same. Passion fruit I haven't tasted in years.
    Your grandchildren are cute, must bring you loads of joy

  4. Loved the garden tour, am looking forward to spring and am planning the garden but it snowed another inch today so I'm living vicariously through my southern hemisphere blog friends!!
