Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Moving Right Along

...except I wasn't! Monday evening and time for Twitch to come from the garden. He was under the prickly asparagus fern so I bent to lift him out and fell head first into the garden bed. lol It's surrounded by large limestone rocks and although I was able to roll over I couldn't get back out, so I made myself comfy and waited for Joe to find me. (He was watching the start of Downton and wondered where I was lol)

Twitch went indoors for his supper.

Joe lifted me out and got me back on feet again, I'm bruised and scratched all over and was so sore this morning. All is well and Twitch's big jump and shake after running through the sprinklers means all is forgiven! He's just too cute and funny, he tossed his empty treats bowl around to let me know it was empty and now he has taken to jumping from the second floor of his cabin instead of hopping down the ramp!

With our second rent inspection due next week I was already worrying about it ages ago and thought that I was just ridiculous...the house is almost always clean and tidy, it's just a matter of pulling it altogether on the day. Many members at the forum follow various routines, perhaps deep cleaning a room a day etc but as we are both at home all day and there are only the two of us I have been in habit of just doing what I felt like...the problem with that was I never realised just how much I was actually doing and I felt like I was doing nothing at all. I've started making a list in the morning and writing down all the jobs I need to get through...Joe also reads the list and picks a job or 3 which helps a lot as he lives with his head in the clouds and rarely notices when 'stuff' needs doing lol

I also bought some Shower Power after the girls at the forum sang its praises, less harmful that most cleaners and it will give me the help I need; with muscular dystrophy I tire very quickly. I make my own soap and laundry liquid for a fraction of supermarket prices.

My other big change is to see if we can live on $75 per week for groceries and loo paper etc. To achieve this my plan is to pay cash, putting $150 in my purse and making it last two weeks(pension is given fortnightly). I'm confident of being able to do this, buying seasonally and cooking from scratch are my keystones. We already eat vegetable based meals, 500gms of minced meat will make at least 6 meals here, a chicken breast will stretch to 4-5 meals. I will use up what we have in the freezer this fortnight as I feel my way. Not sure what we had for lunch yesterday but it was very tasty served on rice with melted cheese on top. Today I found some yummy chicken and vegie soup in the freezer! ;)

Search out Farmers' Markets and Asian Supermarkets for great prices...Chinatown in Montreal is so exciting...

I found a lovely embroidery kit at the op-shop for $1 and I've been getting my hand sewing mo-jo back. I love embroidery and "Feeling Stitchy" is a very inspiring site indeed.

So that's all for the moment from Our Place,
Hope you are well and happy,
Love, Sue


  1. Never a dull moment, huh? I like how after trying to fetch Twitch he just abandoned you, flipped over on your back like a tortoise. And, I like how he is just hangin' on the mower. My house bunny used to hop up on something and groove to some music in his head. To me he looked like he had fallen asleep...eyes open as they do...or simply forgot what he was doing.

    I find myself doing the same thing most days. Just not on the mower. Erp.

    1. lol I felt exactly like a tortoise on it's back, I couldn't move. Rabbits can sleep with their eyes open too btw,

  2. Ouch! I hope you are recovering Sue.

  3. Ouch! You goose! Glad you are ok.
    Inspection time here tomorrow too. Can't wait til the next one when I have caught up with everything (hoepfully) with the help of the zone work.

  4. Oh Sue, glad you're OK love. Must be a chip off the old block with Dads escapade---falling out of a tree two weeks ago---at nearly 80!!
    Love Mum XX
