Thursday 25 April 2013

ANZAC Day 2013

On this day last year Mum and Dad were in Korea as guests of the government and today Mum and I watched as Dad marched in the Kwinana RSL ceremony in Medina.
The marchers included ex and current service personnel, volunteer and paid firemen, scouts and cubs...I missed Dad as I couldn't get close enough! Halfway through the service two jets flew over us and dipped their wings in salute. I was too slow for that picture!

The padre and bugler did a wonderful job...

Mum and Dad with Carol Adams the Kwinana Mayor...

Discussing medals with Carol...

Making the Mayor he does with every-one...

After the very moving service...

With a very proud flag bearer from one of the scout groups...

We met our Uncle Bert and Catrina too...

Dad is nearly 80 yrs old but still young enough to lend a hand to this "old digger", Sam...

He told him that would cost a dollar for the assistance lol...

We went into the little RSL clubrooms nearby and were made very welcome, a lovely lunch and beer etc were freely available to members and their guests.

This is my 300th post and I'm glad it has fallen on such a special post.
Lest We Forget.

Lack of posting this week has been partly due to the horror of almost losing Twitch again to that blocked gut disorder. A pain killing injection at the Vet and then home to rest has done the trick this time but made me look again at his diet. He needs to be eating much more hay and vegetables and far fewer pellets so hopefully with these changes we may prevent a re-occurrence.

Bye bye for now,


  1. Aww Bless, your dad looks to be a wonderful man Sue - I am so sorry to hear about little Twitch again.. I hope he mends quickly.

  2. Lovely pictures of your Dad, you must be so proud. Sorry to hear about Twitch, hope he's feeling bunnier soon. xx

  3. Wonderful to see your mum and dad! They both look great! Hope Twitch is feeling better now. I enjoyed your photos and this was a great post!
