Thursday 5 October 2017

In Vincent's Footsteps

One of the most remarkable things about being in Arles was the Van Gogh Trail and while we didn't follow the trail we came across many of the sights of our own was here that he painted 'Starry Night Over The Rhone'

The hospital garden where he was taken after slicing off his ear...

the trees along the avenue at Alyscamps...

the Summer Park...

The Yellow Cafe at night, now known as the Van Gogh Cafe...we had a Sunday lunch in their seating area in the Place du Forum and it was lovely...Kylie mentioned she has a copy of the painting in her home...I think Van Gogh's work reaches far and wide...most of the original paintings are in a Dutch Art Gallery...

Rue Mireille at the Old Mill...

This one is a bit sad because that yellow house where he boarded was destroyed by 'friendly fire' during WW2...

and home again, home again, jiggety jog!

Yesterday I came across this wonderful short film of all the places we visited, a lot of it taken by a drone which also shows the magnificence of the Abbeye de Montmajour which our photos from the ground can never re-capture...
The colours of Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent's room at the asylum in St Remy de Provence...Joe's photo

Bye bye for now x


  1. Thank you so much for these photos, Sue. How wonderful to be able to visit these places. I love Van Gogh's work. Have you read Irvin Stone's Lust for Life? It's a biographical novel of Van Gogh and an excellent book.

    1. I haven't Nil but will see if the library can get it in...thanks for the tip xx

    2. Here is the book...all the signs with the paintings on in my post have an extract from Vincent's letters to Theo on them pertaining to the painting and view

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed that Sue. It's great to see the real photo followed by the painting especially the Yellow Cafe. My husband will like this post too as we both like his paintings. I'll show him tonight.

    1. thanks Kylie, it was really cool to able to be stand there and compare the scene 125 yrs later, Joe and I stood for a long time contemplating the changes and similarities.

  3. How fascinating, Sue. You must have had an amazing time. So much history there.

  4. awesome pictures, looks like you had a wonderful time touring
    thanx for sharing

  5. How wonderful being able to see all these places and exactly where Van Gogh actually painted. Talk about a trip of a lifetime!!!
