Hallo every-one and thank you for all your comments, especially about the bush-fires, Lynda hit the nail on the head. I don't think they've caught any-one yet who may have started the fires.
I stopped on the way to see Mum yesterday and took a few photos of the damage, it's a shame I can't share the awful smell of burned plants and probably animals too...it's really bad! The first photo shows how hot and dry the area is, all the grass is dead and tinder dry...
the fence is charred too |
Once the rains come again new growth will spurt very quickly...
I've made another batch of soap using some calendula petals from a friend...this was a first time for me..the heat during saponification burns the petals but they are still very appealing, I used cinnamon oil for scent and some turmeric for colour...
The reason I went to Mum's yesterday was to collect a skinned whole duck her friend, Steve, had prepared for me. I jointed it when I got home and have it marinating in some lovely Chinese flavours as per this Jamie Oliver
recipe...will let you know how it turns out. Steve also sent some duck eggs...
Finally finished a baby jacket for my gifting box and have almost finished another one...I love yellow and I've used this pattern many times....can you see the spotty buttons? I'm going to buy some modelling clay and have a go at making my own buttons...
I bought the buttons at Spotlight on my home from giving blood...I also saw this child's chair for sale...I took a photo because it reminded of the blue suite we had in Morecambe, club armchairs and a real fifties style. This chair is darker in colour, probably very sweaty to sit in and must be leaching all sorts of toxins into the air but it still looks like fun!...
The girls are back at Tee-ball today...I haven't seen them for weeks so will go along and cheer! I also have that bracelet making kit I won from Spotlight to give them.
Can't finish a post with a photo of our cutie...Bunnies have the cutest derrieres (butts) and this one is very well camouflaged lol
Cousin Dave Stewart has posted lots of old pics from when my children were little...I'll do a post on them next week...some are very sweet!
Do enjoy your weekend, stay safe and give your loved ones an extra hug!