Thursday 18 October 2018

My New Cardigan

I found some beautiful yarn in Spotlight called Jeans because it looks like denim. It was half price at the time so I went 'hog wild' (says Joe) and bought 9 balls/900gms intending it to be a Summer project. I didn't know how beautiful it was to knit with at that point and finished the whole cardigan in less than 3 very soft and luxurious for an acrylic yarn and see how it looks like denim...

I downloaded a free pattern from Spotlight, they have quite a few and they are quite modern too and here is the finished cardi...Free Pattern

When I went back to choose some suitable buttons the big ones I needed would have worked out at $20...almost as much as the garment so I came away disappointed and empty handed. However several days later I came these wooden buttons from 'Timber and Thread' in a different part of Spotlight and snapped them up for $1.50.

I used less than 600gms for the cardigan (and the sleeves are a little long) so I had enough to make this little vest which is very warm...I already had the pretty floral buttons from Buttons B Busy , a local Mum with a small home-based crochet and button business...this was also a free pattern from DROPS designs, large size

Now I am stalking the knitting department waiting for this yarn to come down in price again!
It's called Jeans Yarn and there is a gorgeous soft 'baby blue' I'd really like next :)

I'm still undecided about what to do with the wonderful surprise package of Jennet wool I received from my cousins Fiona and Joff generous of them and I want to do it they are with the lovely Kate from Northern Yarn(Kate is wearing her new 'Carbeth' knit which is one of Kate Davies many clever designs)...

I have 300gms of 4ply wool to use and cherish so will keep searching for that 'perfect' pattern.
Have also cast on a red jacket for myself while I think about the Jennet wool lol.
Ciao for now,
Love from Sue

Monday 15 October 2018

John Kelsall, Grandson of Jennett

I have 'found' another second cousin who is also following the history of the Kelsall side of the family, hi to Pete and Family. He has kindly shared this extract from the diary of Jennet's son John Kelsall who was the only brother of our ancestor, Joseph. Remember it was John and Joseph's grandmother who rode to London to collect them as toddlers when both parents had died?

1737 Chester, when his children had smallpox.
He was a Quaker, teacher and merchant for Abraham Darby.
18 Our daughter Sally very ill, wch proved to be the Small Pox wch appear'd next day.
19 This morn. I went for Salop, baited at Whitchurch, and got there abt. 7ho.
20 Met with young Mr Lloyd, could not finish the Commission today. Son Benj. came to see me, as also son Amos. Rec'd a letter by him from Cous. James Gough of Bristol.
21 This day finish'd our busness and left the Town abt. noon. Before I reach'd Whitchurch had a sore Fit of my old Pain, and the weather being very hot & sultry had a great Hardship to reach the Plume of Feathers, Thorn-Hill 21 miles where I stay'd that night.
22:3mo.1737 Being pretty well this morn. set out abt. 7ho and got home abt. 9ho. Went to the meets. fore & afternoon.
23 Met this morn with Jos. Gill, Saml. Watson and several other Friends from Ireland who were going to the Y. Meet at London.
25 Great thunder and rain P.M. Our daughter Sally very ill of ye Small Pox.
26 Some thunder at a distance, the weather still very hot.
27 Rec'd a letter from son Thos. & Hugh Rowland.
28 Wrote to son Thos. at Dolegelley. Was in the evening wth R.W & M. Oaks. This day our Sally's eyes were opened having been blind 9 days.
29 Went to meets. Last night our daughter Suzy was taken ill.
31 Wrote to Bro. Jos. Kelsall. The children very bad so yt I was oblig'd to be up all night.
1:4mo. The Small Pox appear on Suzy, Molly very bad and raving. Was up again all last night.
2 Small Pox appear on Molly.
3 The children very ill especially Molly. Was up all night.
4 Great rain this morn. and last night, met with Cous. R.M. The children as before, both of them blind.
5 Went to meet P.M. Was up all night with the children.
6 The children much as before.
7 Saw this morn. Dr. Saml. Reploe Bp. of Chester. Wrote to son Amos. Rec'd a letter from Ow. Lewis. Daughter Betty came here, the children very indifferent.
8 Wrote to son Thos.
9 Suzy much better, Molly very badly.
12 Went to meets. where were Saml. Watson & Jos. Gill from Dublin and Gerrard from Hertford, a Dutch-man formerly of Utrecht convinced abt. 5 years ago. Jos. had a brave opportunity among ye people there being a burial of a GrandChild of Nathn. Ashbrook.
13 J. Gill & Gerrard called at our house to see us. The children somewhat better.
16 Was this evening with Cous. Abrm. Merrick at the Castle he being a Prisoner there for Debt.
17 Not much material, the children now beginning to sit up a little.
18 Had last night a sore Fit of my old Pain &c., not much material this day.
23 This day a ship of abt. 150 Tuns, but empty, came up the New-Cutt: it had been . . .ing, [torn] and they were obliged to dam and pound up the water below it before they could bring it. Spent sometime with Cous. Abm. Merrick at ye Castle &c. Son Thos. came home.
24 The Fair begins in this City. Met with many of my Acquaintances & Relations &c.
25 Spent some time wth Abrm. Darby, Serjeant Harvey, Jos. Fothergill, old Ed. Hall, J.H. &c. Met wth Dr. Parry Attorney near Carnarvon & agreed wth him for two Girls to come to school.
26 Went to meets. Spent the Evening wth Jno. Toft & Joshua Toft [who] were kind to me and presented me with a Guinea.
27 Wrote to Cous. Jno. Dilworth.
28 Spent the evening with D. Evans, Jos. Chamberlain &c.
29 Wrote to Ellis Humphs. and Owen Lewis.
30 Was at the Ship at the Crane with all my Family, the weather still very fine & fair.
1:5mo. Wrote to Cous. J. Merrick.
3 Went to meets. and afterwards with my Family to Barrel Well, the Cherry Orchard and Jno. Lambs.
4 Was let Blood yesterday and my wife today. Was with R.W & M.O in ye evening.

Easy, Super Malay Style Curry for the Crockpot

This recipe looked too good to be true when I saw it on Facebook yesterday, I had around 600gms of blade steak in the fridge and an urge for curry. It's rare that we eat such a lot of meat in one meal so it was quite a treat. Here is the link

Slow Cooker Malaysian Beef Curry 

It made 4 large serves and we ate it with turmeric rice, a simple salsa and plain yoghurt and I loved the fact that nothing had to be browned first, saves time and dish-washing.

My adaptation as follows

500 -600 gms stewing beef(I think chicken pieces or just vegies/beans would be great too)
250mls of coconut cream~our tins contain 400 mls so I freeze the remainder
1 large, finely chopped onion and I will add 2t ginger paste next time too
1/2 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon each of ground cardamon, Chinese 5 spice, cinnamon, cumin, turmeric.
2 teaspoons of ground coriander
4 whole cloves
3-4 medium potatoes
large handful of leafy greens

Simply mix everything except the potatoes and leaves in the crock-pot and turn it on to Auto~ my crock-pot starts on high for 2 hrs and then turns itself down to low.
After an hour I added the potatoes, unpeeled and roughly chopped

This beef was cooked in 5 hours, I used Aldi's blade steak at $10 a kilo, so once the meat is tender stir in your leaves, I had baby spinach and add lots of salt.
Happy eating!

Last Sunday we had this beautiful free range chicken; it fed us several meals...roast, enchiladas and sandwiches and then I made stock from the bones and some lovely sweet potato and red lentil soup with that. There are lots of small/new potatoes in the shops now it's Spring, I love them!

I have knitting and garden photos to post as well as some genealogy so will get on to that shortly.
Have a wonderful week
Love from Sue xx