Tuesday 31 March 2015

When Life Gets In The Way.....

...despite my best intentions to get back into writing this blog last week we have instead been caring for a very poorly bunny. It started last Tuesday(8 days) with him losing control of his hind legs, off to the local vet who treated him for GI again.
 He was worse the next day and losing now control of his front legs so back we went but this vet suggested firmly that we take him up to Murdoch Unusual Pet Vet as it was a job for specialists. Fortunately we still had Ma and Pa's air-conditioned car as it was quite warm so off we went(70kms round trip) Came home with $375 lighter but with meds for E. cuniculi  and GI .
 Twitch did not have one of the main symptoms of head tilt but he is responding slowly. He also had meds to help his blocked gut and some special feed called Critical Care to feed by syringe. Back again the next day as he seemed worse but Dr Nic was pleased with his overall condition but gave him a shave around his bottom and some fluids by injection.

After 5 days he was eating sufficient greens and pellets for us to stop the syringe feeding but he is still having lots of boiled water via a 2ml syringe. Rabbits have a special digestive system that requires them to eat a soft poop (cecal) which has good bacteria in it to aid digestion...Twitch cannot do this at the moment so I have given him 1.5 mls of plain yoghurt for the past 3 days....I am really in the dark about this but have to try it.  He can now move himself around a bit but not really stand up or walk, it is more a flipping around almost like a seal, poor lad! His front legs are splayed out to the side as you can see here...

We've had great support from other bunny friends at the Australian Rabbit Network on Facebook and this could go on for as long as 3 weeks so please keep our baby close to your heart...he's never been one for cuddles but now he loves it and I can support him well enough for him to groom his front paws and face etc He grooms me back by vigorously licking/nibbling my hands. Joe works the late shift so Twitch is getting lots attention...

I will get those cruise pics up soon!

Wednesday 25 March 2015


Lovely old warehouses on Sydney Harbour, see the bridge in the background?

Time to get back to this sad neglected blog I think!

Hopefully every-one had a safe and blessed Christmas? We had a lovely dinner with Mum and Dad, Paul, Gordon and Bree and Jessica and Olivia but didn't take any decent photos :/

In February, with Mum and Dad, we left home and flew to Sydney to join our much anticipated cruise on the Voyager of the Seas with an overnight stay in Sydney first. I had a window seat on the plane and was saddened by the dryness of this big brown land at the end of summer...soon the rains will be here and the greenery will sprout very, very quickly. What did fascinate me was once we'd flown over the Great Australian Bite I could see the Murray River wending it's way west across South Australia...it is huge and I could almost hear the stories of early settlers as they settled on it's banks.

We took lots of photos as usual so I'll post a few of Sydney and the ship today and then show some more in a day or two...Pitt St sign in the first photo...

This building is similar to one in Montreal, probably built around the same time (Joe looks a bit serious)

Queen Victoria sure gets around...

Another building very similar to one we saw in Canada...this is on the dock and perhaps housed the Harbour Master and his family at one time...

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I would love to go back to Sydney to explore it's historical aspects..and for the first time ever I saw big wild bats flying in a park at dusk!  I was thrilled to spot Luna Park under the Sydney Harbour Bridge...

Bye bye Sydney...

the unique Opera House...

The empty swimming pool on the ship, it was rather cool before we left although the spa was in much use

One of the many lovely decorative features on board...

Julius Caesar came along for the ride... he was watching over the pool area and was beautifully carved.

Our first stop was Noumea but that's a tale for another day.