Tuesday, 11 September 2012

At Home

Rhonda has written an especially meaningful to me post today, have a look here...

Her words washed over me and then began to sink in as I realised that after the recent upheaval here it takes a little while for a house to become a home. I have been off shopping for home wares such as doormats and squeegee window washers, bolts for the lawn-mower and a couple of nice microwave dishes with lids. I've felt a little guilty about spending this money but now I see it's OK...these items are gradually making this house our own home, helping me to keep it clean and the garden looking good and hopefully productive this summer. We've gone from a small duplex with only 5 windows to a larger house with 8 full sized picture windows and 3 smaller ones so you see that was one challenge on my mind...how to keep these windows looking as good as new. Now I can wash them with warm soapy water and simply wipe them dry with this wonderful 35cm squeegee blade.
Back yard and some of "those" windows and weeds...

I baked my first loaf of bread at this house on Sunday and I've made two batches of soap here. The laundry liquid I made several months ago has served me well all this time and I'll make some more later this week. My sewing machine is set up nicely in my "study" and I used it for the first time to repair a nightdress and some PJ pants that needed new elastic. I've knit several wash cloths, wrist-warmers and am working on a baby jacket now. I've planted thyme, sage and taken cuttings from Deb's rosemary bush. Tomato seedlings are thriving and the lawns have been mown and I'm gradually weeding out the prickles. Basil and rocket seeds are ready to go and we've been enjoying our fresh dill in salads and fishcakes.

We have peace of mind here, a lovely welcoming house and garden that are truly on their way to becoming a real home for us.
Looking pretty...

 Yes Rhonda, it really is "easier at home" and thank you for your encouraging words as always.


  1. I'm so glad you found such a homey home Sue.

  2. oh yes, a home is so much more than a place to sleep in. Glad to hear that you are getting there x

  3. Reading your post, it sounded like it was coming from Rhonda. I am happy you've started to feel content in your new house. Sounds like you have been very industrious too. I love baking bread too (although I have mainly made bread rolls so far - and perfecting them, I might add). I just finished another dish cloth and will look for another pattern. I like the challenge of the patterns.

    I have added Slow Living Essentials to my blog list - it's lovely and very inspiring with all that outdoor cooking!

    Cheers - Joolz

  4. Your home is lovely, Sue. I hope you have many happy years there. Thanks for sharing.
