Friday 30 November 2012

Camila and her Tibetan Singing Bowls

We had a very enjoyable visit yesterday. Our friend, Camila, is off to India next week for several months to join a yoga and meditation retreat so she came to say goodbye and also to show us these amazing singing bowls. Camila is learning how to use the vibrations from the bowls as a massage technique, their sound is so hauntingly beautiful and I'm sure a massage would be an incredibly relaxing experience.
After 7 years of study, interrupted often by overseas travel, Camila has gained her degree in psychology and continues to seek and question much of Life. She and Joe played a game of chess after we'd enjoyed tea and cake and a demonstration of of her wonderful Tibetan singing bowls and a sweet little South African thumb piano.

I took a few photos...

Joe feeling the vibrations through his hand...

Camila placed the kalimba or thumb piano on her closed up wooden chess board to get a better sound...

As well as bringing her own interesting experiences to share with us Camila was keen to know how we spend our days as retirees. When I explained how involved I am with the DTW forums and simple living she was very interested and will come and learn to make soap and do some simple sewing with me when she comes back next year. Rhonda's whole orange cake was much enjoyed too ;)

So with a hug (and some soap and a knitted washcloth to enjoy) she was gone. We'll follow her travels through facebook and wish her every joy in India.

Do you have plans for the weekend? We've had 3 days of storms which is so unseasonal but they seem to clearing now so a little gardening is on my agenda.
Bye bye for now,
Love from Sue


  1. Wow! What a brilliant experience.

  2. That looks really neat, Sue! We have a thumb piano as well - it's LOVELY - very enchanting :)

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your special visit with us! What a neat experience to hear the singing bowls. Best of luck to her on her journey's in India :)
